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Current Projects:

Young Festival Stage

Theatre for Young Audiences
My third year producing YFS, was the sucess of bringing the musical James and the Giant Peach to the stage! After our hybrid theatre piece Leonardo and the Flying Machine, (conceived and written by Michael Sullivan and staged by Jerry MacLauchlin) we continue to create and produce original puppet and actor driven-work. Made possible by a grant from the Rea Charitable Trust. These fully-realized productions were in collaboration with Baylor Theatre, McLennan College and the Waco Civic Theatre, offering a professional theatre experience to young audiences in Central Texas.  All of the creatives, performers, puppeteers and technical staff were paid company members of this new self-sustaining program. Stay tuned this summer for more to come!!

click on an image to enlarge..

Birdie with Baldo and Lapo
James and his new friends
Traveling along..
Seagulls flying the peach!
Landing on Empire State
Home in NYC
Michelangelo and Leonardo
The Breakout..
Michelangelo and Baldo
Duke's Ball
Mona Lisa
Birdie and Michelangelo
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